David Ernst A personal site

Software Engineering Power Tools

Here are my notes from last night’s After Hours talk at Hack Reactor. It was a lot of fun— thanks everyone who was able to make it!

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Git-Crypt is Git + Encryption

Git-crypt is a combination of PGP/GPG and Git. It lets you include private files in your Git repos, without needing to worry about them being read by others. You can even publish these files to public repos, such as on GitHub, and not worry about any secrets or credentials being leaked.

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We constantly complain about email being overloaded. But what do we do about it? We can’t get away from it. It’s the original social network. How many emails do you think are sent each day?

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GitHub Pages: Powerful and Easy

“It is amazing! I use it for my personal website… Seriously it is like magic” — Brian Zindler

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Anti-Distraction Tech

Some of my favorite tools are about dampening the typical day-to-day effect of web services trying to steal all of our attention.

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Send programmatic emails with Google App Script

I recently wrote a script that takes spreadsheet data to email a list of people programmatically, based on their addresses entered in the sheet. It’s pretty easy to even send each specific data from the spreadsheet that’s only relevant to them.

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Classy legalese from OmniGraffle

Callouts to the developers of OmniGraffle for including such a humanistic introductory paragraph to the License Agreement when you install their software:

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Spreadsheet relative cell references

In Google Spreadsheets, you can refer to other cells relatively.

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Google Apps Script: getSheetByIndex()

When you’re using Google Apps Script to add advanced features to Google Spreadsheets, you may want to reference specific sheets by their index number in your list of sheets. There’s a Spreadsheet.getSheetByName(), but no Spreadsheet.getSheetByIndex(). This seems like it should be there, and yet the API designers haven’t included it. So what if you won’t know the sheet name?!

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Howto get a standalone Asana app in OS X

If you spend a lot of time in Asana, you might want a standalone app for it in your dock like this:

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